10 Native Plant Options For Residential Landscaping in Perth

10 Native Plant Options For Residential Landscaping in Perth

If you live in, or in the vicinity of, Perth and considering upgrading your garden with a new landscape design then you will have lots of choices to make. With many of them, you will have carte blanche to choose anything you wish, such as the ornaments, decking, and seating; however, according to Perth Landscapes, there will be other choices where you have some limitations. Specifically, we are talking about the types of plants that you can have in your landscaped garden.

The reason we say you have limitations is that plant selection for any local landscaping project must be guided by the conditions that exist in and around Perth. This relates to the local climate and also the type of soil that exists. Both of these will dictate the types of plants that will thrive, and also which plants would not be suitable for your new garden.

As you will be aware, the climate in Perth, especially through the spring and summer months, is one with lots of sunshine, high temperatures, and minimal rainfall. It follows, therefore, that many of the plants that will thrive in Perth’s gardens love the sun and can survive in soil that is invariably drained of moisture.

At this point you might be thinking, “Does this mean I have to carry out comprehensive research into which plants are suited to the Perth area?”. In truth, we would recommend this as it will increase your knowledge of what is suitable for your garden, however, being the generous types that we are, we thought it would be easier if we simply outlined ten native plants which are known to thrive in Perth’s landscaped residential gardens.

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Top Landscape Design Ideas for Small Properties

Top Landscape Design Ideas for Small Properties

When you start looking at different landscape design ideas, you may soon realise that many of them are targeted towards homeowners with large, sprawling sections. While it’s true that you can do a lot more with a much larger area, that doesn’t mean you are greatly limited with a smaller section.

If you’re struggling to come up with ways to transform your small outdoor area with landscaping, Principal Landscapes has provided the following ideas that may put you on the path to success:

Create Sections

It might seem counterintuitive to create divided areas in what is already a small space, but you may be surprised at how this landscape design idea can actually make your yard appear bigger. Create an area for gardens, one for relaxing, and perhaps one for socializing.

They don’t have to be large spaces, which is likely to be the case if your property is only small, but they can add some definition while preventing your small area from appearing cluttered and disorganized.

Get Clever With Perspectives

You can’t change how large your yard is, but you can change how people perceive it with one clever addition: long, straight lines.

If you slant long lines of something like flowers or a pathway from the start of your yard to the end of it, you can add the perception of length. This can make your yard appear much larger overall than it actually is.

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How Global Landscaping Trends Have Changed Over Time

How Global Landscaping Trends Have Changed Over Time

Most of us are familiar with the most common landscaping designs today. Low maintenance tends to be the aim of the game, along with privacy and drought tolerance.

However, what may surprise you is that today’s landscape trends can be incredibly different from those from several decades ago. From grand entrances to extensive rose gardens, here is some surprising information you may not have known about the landscaping trends of our past.

Grand Property Entrances

When you meander down your average suburban street, you mostly see fence after fence, with the occasional tree and mailbox for good measure. We don’t blink an eye to this property appeal, but it used to look much, much different in many parts of the world.

It wasn’t uncommon for the front lawn of any home to be a grand entrance to the property. The homeowner may have put time into installing bird feeders and birdhouses, along with fish ponds, rock gardens, and boxwood hedging. Maintenance was a full-time job, but what better way to welcome guests to your home?

Large Rose Gardens

Rose gardens remain popular today, but perhaps not as much as they used to be during the 1930s. Those large, grand property entrances were not as desirable during the 1930s due to the financial implications of the Great Depression. Not everyone had spare money for landscaping.

So, a new trend was emerging. Homeowners were planting inexpensive but gorgeous rose gardens, along with vibrant plants like lilacs and hydrangeas. They were vibrant and eye-catching but required much less time, money, and effort than previous preferred landscaping options.

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Maximizing Your Outdoor Space: Landscape Design Tips

Maximizing Your Outdoor Space: Landscape Design Tips

Summer is the perfect time to make the most of your outdoor space. Whether you have a sprawling backyard, a neat terrace, or a small balcony, you can use landscape design to create a beautiful atmosphere that you can enjoy with family and friends. Landscape design focuses on enhancing the aesthetic and functional qualities of outdoor spaces, and it allows you to customize your outdoor space to reflect your individual style and preferences. In this article, we will discuss some of the key tips for maximizing your outdoor space with landscape design. You’ll find advice on how to select the right plants, rocks, and features for your outdoor landscape, as well as how to choose the right colors, textures, and materials. With these tips and tricks, you can create a vibrant and inviting outdoor space that you and your family can enjoy all summer long.

1. Consider Your Outdoor Activity Needs

When it comes to maximizing your outdoor space, the first step is to consider your outdoor activity needs. Think about the activities that you and your family want to do in your outdoor space. If you want a swimming pool, you will need to work with a pool designer or an architect to determine the most suitable size, shape, and location. If you are looking for a garden design, consider the type of plants and trees you want and where they will go in the garden. You should also consider the amount of space available and whether you need to hire a designer or an architect to help with your garden design. By taking the time to think about your outdoor activity needs, you can make the most of your outdoor spaces.

2. Design a Functional Landscape

Designing a functional landscape is a key part of maximizing outdoor space. Garden design, swimming pools, outdoor spaces, and other outdoor features should be considered when deciding how to make the most of the area. Working with a qualified designer or architect is essential in order to ensure the landscape design is suitable and fulfills its purpose. When designing a landscape, careful attention must be paid to the type of plants and trees used and their positioning, as well as to any architectural elements such as fountains, patios, and pathways. Furthermore, the arrangement of the various elements should be thoughtfully considered to ensure they come together to create a cohesive and attractive design.

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10 Valuable Tips To Naturally Stop Pests From Ruining Your Stop Pests From Ruining Your Landscaped Garden

10 Valuable Tips To Naturally Stop Pests From Ruining Your Stop Pests From Ruining Your Landscaped Garden

Landscaping has pros and cons, and if you have a landscaped garden, you will hopefully experience more positives than negatives. As for maintaining and caring for your garden, some of you may view this as one of its most desirable aspects, assuming that you are a keen gardener and love everything gardening involves. Alternatively, as advised by landscaping experts at www.intreeglandscapes.com.au, many customers might appreciate their lovely landscaped area and love sitting in their garden but hate any work required to maintain it.

For those of you with either of these views and all the others in between, there is no getting away from the fact that maintaining a landscaped garden is essential. Otherwise, it will deteriorate and, if left uncared for, could cost as much to put right as it did to have installed in the first place. Also, poorly maintained landscaping not only fails to add value to your property, but it could also lessen your property’s value.

As for the specific tasks required to maintain and care for landscaped gardens, one of the most important is dealing with pests. By pests, we mean undesirable bugs, fungi, and the like, not your neighbours’ unruly children. That might be just as well, given that we are going to explain ten tips to help you naturally rid your landscaped garden of pests, which we assure you does not include chasing kids from your lawn.

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Essential Features For Creating A Landscaped Japanese Garden

Essential Features For Creating A Landscaped Japanese Garden

Throughout their careers, landscapers will be asked to create gardens based on a huge array of themes, with some being outright quirky. Beyond the more unusual garden themes, there are several which are extremely popular and some of these are based on parts of the world beyond the shores of Australia.

One in particular which you will find in Australian gardens, and indeed gardens in many other countries, is a Japanese theme. For many people, Japanese garden design principles create harmony, tranquillity, and an almost spiritual ambience within them. It is therefore unsurprising that those homeowners who want their landscaped garden’s design to produce a peaceful and relaxing space, often request that their landscapers create a Japanese theme.

As for the individual elements that go into creating a Japanese themed garden, here are some of the most commonly included in landscapers’ designs.


For centuries, Japanese culture has seen stones being an integral part of it. This includes smaller stones such as those found in gravel being regarded as sacred ground, which is why many monuments and statues in Japan sit on ground that has gravel covering it. Large stones are also worshipped by those who follow the Japanese religion, Shinto. As for specific stones for your garden, you have a carte blanche.


One of the beauties of water is whether still or flowing, both create a peaceful background within a garden, although the ideal preference should be for flowing water. In Japanese culture, water is an expression of calm and renewal, and the sounds of its movement should help to calm one’s mind.

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5 Awesome Tips For Growing Your Landscaping Business

5 Awesome Tips For Growing Your Landscaping Business

For ambitious landscapers, one of their primary goals is hopefully to build their business to be more profitable and potentially reach the point where they can consider expanding, either to take on more work within their current location or open up in another town or city. One hurdle that might stand in their way, however, is that whilst they have a huge knowledge and expertise of landscaping, they may not be as sure how to grow their business.

That is nothing to apologise for, as there are millions of businesses that have owners who are unable to take those businesses to another level as they struggle to discover how that can be achieved. Whilst we cannot outline an entire business plan for them, or specifically for any landscapers reading this, we can give you some tips that can help you start that journey towards expanding your landscaping business.

Give Sales Your Primary Focus

When increasing sales gets mentioned the automatic assumption by most is it means getting more clients. Naturally, part of it is, but that should not be the only avenue you go down. Perhaps if we amend it to ‘sales revenue’ it might become clearer that you can do so without adding clients.

Think about any additional services you offer clients. The obvious one is garden maintenance and repair services. Are you actively promoting these, or simply mentioning them in passing? How about calling all your previous clients and offering them a discount to sign up for maintenance? There are so many possibilities, so get thinking about how else you could increase your revenue.

Instigate A Digital Marketing Strategy

The internet is here to stay, and any business that has not taken advantage of it is missing out, especially if it has plans to expand. Having a digital marketing campaign specifically a search engine optimisation (SEO) campaign created by an experienced SEO consultant, allows you to target, reach out to, and connect with many of the local population who are your potential next clients. Some might not even know you exist, but they will with an effective digital marketing campaign set up. If you do not know how then hire a digital marketing agency.

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Top Tips for Swimming Pool Care

Top Tips for Swimming Pool Care

Many homeowners want to install swimming pools so they can enjoy summer fun without lining up at their local public pool. At a moment’s notice, you can wander outside your home in your swimsuit and jump right into your very own pool.

However, as convenient as having a swimming pool is, it does come with responsibilities. Caring for a pool can require some time and effort, so consider some of these helpful tips below to get on top of it.

Skim Daily

Insects, debris, and all sorts of contaminants can end up in your swimming pool, regardless of whether you use a swimming pool cover or not. To keep your water fresh and clean, get into the habit of skimming your pool daily. The more often you do it, the less time it takes. There are plenty of pool products available to help make this process as easy as possible.

Take Care of Your Filter

Your swimming pool’s filter has a very important job to do – removing impurities from your water. In return for its service, you need to take care of it. Once a week, turn off the filter, remove the filter cap, lift out the filter basket, and remove any debris that’s built up inside.

Then, once a month, perform backwashing so that you can clean out the pipes that help with the filtering process. Backwashing is a straightforward process. All you need to do is remove the leaf basket and turn on the pump until your waste pipe ejects clear water.

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4 Ways to Welcome Wildlife Into Your Yard With Landscape Design

4 Ways to Welcome Wildlife Into Your Yard With Landscape Design

When we start looking at our landscape design options, our first priority is to make a space that best suits our needs. We might include an outdoor entertainment area to enjoy with friends and lighting to make sure we can enjoy it at night.

But what about wildlife? As it turns out, there are ways to welcome them into your yard with landscape design, as well. Here are some helpful ideas below.

Put Thought Into Plants

Even though you might have a vision for how you want your property to look, that vision might have to change ever so slightly if you’re also trying to welcome wildlife into your yard. What you plant can actually matter quite a lot.

The best chance you have of welcoming native wildlife into your yard is to choose plants that are native to Australia and your area. By taking this approach, you may increase your chances of attracting the animals already found in your area to your property.

There are plenty of options to choose from, so find a nursery that specialises in indigenous plants to find out what will suit your location the best. Be sure to put some thought into soil and rainfall requirements, as well, as this may give your plants the best chance to thrive.

Consider Water Elements

Even if you hadn’t originally thought of adding something with water, it might be how you welcome more wildlife into your property. Fortunately, you don’t have to spend a lot of money to attract animals.

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Most Influential Landscape Architects in History

Most Influential Landscape Architects in History

We are very fortunate to have some of the best landscaping professionals to call upon for property transformations and maintenance here in Australia. This much is obvious when you see the many wonderful spaces they have created at homes and businesses throughout the country.

However, many of the landscapers today have been able to benefit from some of the greatest landscapers in history – those that have developed techniques and features that remain popular even today.

Below, you can gain insight into some of the most well-known landscaping legends and what they have done for the industry.

Corajoud Michel

Corajoud Michel was a French landscape architect who was born in 1937 and died in 2014. Corajoud was known for being able to integrate architecture with landscaping for a seamless design. He also emphasised the importance of people’s connection with the space, how they enjoyed it and utilised it.

For his efforts and many years of service, Corajoud earned many awards. Today, you can see some of his handiwork, such as the famous Water Mirror along Bordeaux’s Garonne river bank.

Pechère René 

Throughout Pechère René’s long and fruitful career in landscape architecture, until he died in 2002, he was involved in nearly 900 different private and public garden spaces. And he didn’t just stay in one country, either. Pechère made his mark in many different countries, such as Germany, the Netherlands, Belgium, and France.

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Low Maintenance Landscaping Ideas

Low Maintenance Landscaping Ideas

Life gets busy, and as much as many people would love landscaping designs that incorporate acres of flower beds, it’s simply not realistic. Therefore, when they approach landscaping companies for help transforming their yard, the term ‘low maintenance’ is thrown around a lot.

But what’s really involved in creating a low-maintenance yard? The following design elements have become worth their weight in gold.

Outdoor Entertaining Areas

It won’t take most people long to work out that outdoor entertainment areas with paving stones, decks, fire pits, and gravel are far less work than flower beds with all your favourite plants.

As a result, many people steer toward sacrificing lawn and garden areas for their own little space that requires minimal time and effort throughout the year. While you might miss out on flowers blooming and brightening up the space, you’ve got somewhere comfortable to socialise with your friends during the warmer months.

Return Some Yard to Nature

As challenging as it might be to let nature do what it’s supposed to do, it can be worth it when you can give up some of your gardening responsibilities. If you have a back garden area with trees and shade, let this space work its magic for wildlife.

The fallen leaves from the trees will create mulch for the soil, and birds will make it their own slice of paradise. While you may like to add a few native plants and rocks to this space, it can otherwise be self-sufficient.

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5 Questions to Ask About Landscape Design

5 Questions to Ask About Landscape Design

As there can be a lot to learn about landscape design when you decide to make changes to your property, it can be worth speaking to experts from Martin Cuthbert Landscapes. You might even hire experts to care for the entire project.

In that case, you probably want to learn as much as possible about what’s involved and what you can expect. Here are some of the best questions to ask before you decide to proceed with your project.

How Much Does Landscape Design Cost?

If you were to ask a landscaping expert how much their services would cost, they wouldn’t be able to give you a straight answer. The standard landscaping price can vary from a few thousand dollars to $50,000 and beyond.

Typically, your wants, needs, section size, and the sheer volume of work involved in what you’re looking for can determine how much you can expect to pay. Therefore, it can be worth having a fair idea of what you’re looking for in mind before requesting such information.

What Are the Principles of Landscape Design?

There can be a lot involved in landscape design, above and beyond simply buying a few plants and placing them around a barbecue and seating area.

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