10 Native Plant Options For Residential Landscaping in Perth

If you live in, or in the vicinity of, Perth and considering upgrading your garden with a new landscape design then you will have lots of choices to make. With many of them, you will have carte blanche to choose anything you wish, such as the ornaments, decking, and seating; however, according to Perth Landscapes, there will be other choices where you have some limitations. Specifically, we are talking about the types of plants that you can have in your landscaped garden.

The reason we say you have limitations is that plant selection for any local landscaping project must be guided by the conditions that exist in and around Perth. This relates to the local climate and also the type of soil that exists. Both of these will dictate the types of plants that will thrive, and also which plants would not be suitable for your new garden.

As you will be aware, the climate in Perth, especially through the spring and summer months, is one with lots of sunshine, high temperatures, and minimal rainfall. It follows, therefore, that many of the plants that will thrive in Perth’s gardens love the sun and can survive in soil that is invariably drained of moisture.

At this point you might be thinking, “Does this mean I have to carry out comprehensive research into which plants are suited to the Perth area?”. In truth, we would recommend this as it will increase your knowledge of what is suitable for your garden, however, being the generous types that we are, we thought it would be easier if we simply outlined ten native plants which are known to thrive in Perth’s landscaped residential gardens.


Parthenocissus: Its alternative name is ‘Boston Ivy’, and it is a climbing plant suited to walls and trellises that offers a variety of colours throughout the year with its deep green foliage turning a beautiful orange-red colour in autumn.

Stephanotis Floribunda: With an alternative name of ‘Madagascar Jasmine’ this climber loves warm conditions. It will have your sense of smell at its peak thanks to the wonderful, sweet aroma emanating from its white flowers.


Lagerstroemia Indica: ‘Crepe Myrtle’ is this tree’s alternative name, and it is a tree suited to smaller landscaped gardens that catch lots of Perth’s plentiful sunshine. In summer, be prepared to see its amazing pink, purple, or white flowers bloom to create a wonderfully, colourful display.

Tristaniopsis Laurina:  Known as the ‘Tristania’ tree, you need to be aware that it can grow to a considerable height of over 50 feet. To do so, it requires lots of warm sunshine and as such will reward you with beautiful yellow flowers.

Tall Hedges

Laurus Nobilis: Known simply as ‘Bay Tree’, this is an evergreen shrub that thrives in sunlight rather than shade. Its thick foliage, which can grow to well over 30 feet, helps to create privacy and shade for those sitting in your landscaped garden.

Murraya Paniculata: This is an evergreen shrub that is also called ‘Orange Jessamine’, however, that is a bit of a misnomer as its flowers are white. Its foliage can grow up to 15 feet tall if it is sited where it can receive maximum sunlight.

Mid-Level Plants

Buxus Japonica: This evergreen, small shrub’s name means ‘Japanese Box’ and is found in many of Perth’s gardens due to its thick growth which makes it ideal for hedging and providing shade.

Radermachera: Known as ‘China Doll’ it has very appealing foliage and not only does that make it a popular choice for Perth’s gardens, but it also thrives in all climates including hot, dry summers.

Accent Plants

Crassula Bluebird: The stunning grey-blue foliage of this plant makes it an eye-catcher and is perfect if you wish to add vibrant colour to your garden.

Agave Attenuata: No one will miss this colourful plant, especially with its prominent blue-green foliage. This is particularly suited to Perth’s climate as it can tolerate long, dry periods.